13 inch tan
Machine fucking
Busting nut
Thick Black toy
Big toy workout
14 inch ribbed
wet session 2
First flesh dildo
Wet session
Riding whitey
The warm up part 1
Hole stretching practice
12.5 thick hard and long
Slow stroking
13 inches
Riding hard
Deep Training
Tight bussy
New long toy
14 inch and failed dp
Machine cream
Quick nut
2 sessions
Friday night antics
Going In
Going pt 2
Letting one off
Backing it up
testing my new machine
Needed some d tonight
Machine stuffed with 10"
fucking both holes
been a minute
Morning action
Sunday machine 1
Sunday morning 2
Sunday morning 3
Beefstik takes 13 inch tan deep
Beefstik taking 12.5
Beefstik taking new flesh