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NakedKombat Will The Punisher Parks vs John Jizz on Your Face Jammen

Will Parks "The Punisher" Ht: 5'11" WT: 180lbs Season W/L record ( 0-2) John Jammen "Jizz on Your Face" Ht: 5'9" WT: 155lbs Season W/L record (0-0) We almost had to cancel this fight after our scheduled Blue fighter pussed out and pulled a "no-show" going up against Will "The Punisher" Parks. Luckily for us, John Jammen was there to watch the fight and stepped up to the plate to challenge The Punisher. Once John saw The Punisher's ass, nothing could hold him back from gaining sexual dominancy. Will knows all too well how unforgiving losing on Naked Kombat can be though, and today he's more determined than ever to punish his opponents tight hole. The intense sexual aggression continues from the mat into the bathroom where the loser gets his ass fucked and his head shoved in a toilet for a swirly.

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