Heat rub on cock-sock (berlingayguy29's request)
berlingayguy29 send me a request I carried out adding some ideas of my own. I said him I had a meaty (according to the pharmacist) heat rub, that guy wanted me to put it on a cock-sock and then put it on my jock. The 1st moments after putting the cock-sock were one of the almost any painful things I've ever done, I can compare 'em to alligator movies. Then I put a vibrating marital-device up my a-hole (which was very difficult as pecker ache made it contract). I too move the cum drum so that heat rub doesn't acquire stuck in the tip of the cum drum. When the fake penis is inside, I put on some nipp clamps (set at ~80% of maximum pressure), jerk off and come. After that I remove the fucking-rubber. The heat rub had some bad effects on my glans skin, which u can watch at the photographs in the end. Final fotos were taken greater quantity or less one day after carrying out the task. The heat rub is not an American trademark. It contains a NSAID, turpentine, menthol and ethanol. -*-*-*-*- ~24 hours after carrying out this task, my schlong looks bad (as depicted by http://www.xtube.com/view.php?s=0nTPc7Cp9wL&p=43iCpT1aoK9&pin= and the following photos). It's likewise VERY sensitive: I have to bear the ache of it rubbing against my underclothes (however, this didn't prevent me from masturbating). -*-*-*-*- Some scabs appeared after this, and eventually, after visiting a Dermatologist, my pecker healed and now it looks valuable. I WON'T try any chemicals on my genitalia afresh, please don't ask me to do it or don't tell me it goes admirable with other different brands.