Prisoner thirty - ムRopes, Cuffs, Chains and Taut Blue Jeans
Check out my blog at For this period of captivity the Prisoner was made to wear a blue Adidas sports hoodie and a couple of constricted blue jeans. His wrists were shackled behind his back and the cuffs were attached to a length of chain which was passed around his waist and then betwixt his legs throughout his crotch several times previous to being pulled uncomfortably taut and then one time afresh padlocked to his cuffs. The Prisonerメs arms were then fastened tightly to his upper body with a lengthy length of nylon rope. That Guy was then placed in a darksome office chair where his ankles were pulled jointly and roped to the base of the chair. A further length of chain was then attached to his crotch chains and pulled down and attached to his ankle bindings thus adding further tension to his crotch area. His hips were then pulled apart and roped to the chair arms. A length of rope was used to rope his knees jointly and balance the tension which had been placed on his hips. Greater Quantity rope was tied around the Prisonerメs chest, throughout his cuffed wrists, up over his shoulders and then to the arms of the chair and across his waist preventing him from standing up. The Prisonerメs cuffed and roped wrists were placed betwixt his body and the back of the chair preventing him from leaning back out of placing his body weight on his tied wrists and causing discomfort. The Prisoner was blindfolded with a soccer sock. His face hole was stuffed with cloth and layers of duct tape were then wrapped around his head several times creating a very effective gag. A white Nike baseball cap was placed over his head. The Prisoner remained nude foot for this period of captivity. The Prisoner was then left to experience hours of growing discomfort due to the fact that that guy was unable to relax and too cuz his crotch chains were digging painfully into his constricted jeans and crotch area. After an extended period of time the Prisonerメs crotch, haunch and knees restraints were removed and his jeans were pulled down revealing a couple of petite dark silky nylon soccer shorts. The Prisonerメs ankles and upper body remained in slavery and this chab was left in the chair to endure the remains of his captivity.