Straight from hell, thick pawg hexxxica fucks Derek for real

Straight from hell, thick pawg hexxxica fucks Derek for real

Bryan & Xavier & Tom & Jay!!

Bryan & Xavier & Tom & Jay!!

This is Axe's first video he seemed uncomfortable I whipped it out and jacked off with him! -Jay

This is Axe's first video he seemed uncomfortable I whipped it out and jacked off with him! -Jay

Blowing Boone!!

Blowing Boone!!

Grant's a friend of one of our boys, and he came by to make some $$$ this afternoon...

Grant's a friend of one of our boys, and he came by to make some $$$ this afternoon...

Sean & Guzzo get their freak on!

Sean & Guzzo get their freak on!

Dylan enjoys a good blowjob, and since his GF was lousy he let me take a turn! Enjoy! -Jay

Dylan enjoys a good blowjob, and since his GF was lousy he let me take a turn! Enjoy! -Jay

James & Smoke - two hot broke straight boys that needed some $$$

James & Smoke - two hot broke straight boys that needed some $$$

Two horny hot Straight Guys play a high stakes game of Truth or Dare! Enjoy! -Jay

Two horny hot Straight Guys play a high stakes game of Truth or Dare! Enjoy! -Jay

Hot straight Ginger boy Chad!

Hot straight Ginger boy Chad!

Sean & Vince!!

Sean & Vince!!

Cameron & Jay! I love Cam, he's hot, straight, and a pretty cool character :)

Cameron & Jay! I love Cam, he's hot, straight, and a pretty cool character :)

Bryan & Sean

Bryan & Sean

Seth was chillin' by the pool one day and looked like he needed a blowjob...

Seth was chillin' by the pool one day and looked like he needed a blowjob...

Straight stud Rocky!

Straight stud Rocky!

Sean & Vince at the Phoenician! 1080p

Sean & Vince at the Phoenician! 1080p

Link is a hot straight body builder!

Link is a hot straight body builder!

Axe's first film. He seemed nervous so I whipped it out and jacked off with him! Fun! -Jay

Axe's first film. He seemed nervous so I whipped it out and jacked off with him! Fun! -Jay

Jordan's a sexy straight stud I auditioned awhile back.... 1080p

Jordan's a sexy straight stud I auditioned awhile back.... 1080p

Dave lets his Freak Flag Fly Part 2 (4K)

Dave lets his Freak Flag Fly Part 2 (4K)

Seth skinnydips at my place (with 5 minutes of extra footage and 4K!)

Seth skinnydips at my place (with 5 minutes of extra footage and 4K!)

James in a Private Session with Doug and Jay!

James in a Private Session with Doug and Jay!

Bryan, Tom & Xavier! 4K

Bryan, Tom & Xavier! 4K

Lucky Lucas!! 4 Vids in 1080p! Incl. Nitro!

Lucky Lucas!! 4 Vids in 1080p! Incl. Nitro!

Guzzo & Jack are back in 1080p!!

Guzzo & Jack are back in 1080p!!

Bently fucks Spence with his 12 inch / Marcus & Jay!!

Bently fucks Spence with his 12 inch / Marcus & Jay!!

Rob &amp_ Mike side by side preview 2k

Rob &amp_ Mike side by side preview 2k

Straight &#039_gay for pay&#039_ Sean fucks Crow&#039_s willing pole hole!!

Straight &#039_gay for pay&#039_ Sean fucks Crow&#039_s willing pole hole!!

Straight boy Rick fucks Crow&#039_s Tight Ass : Check out all the remastered videos in High Def at !!

Straight boy Rick fucks Crow&#039_s Tight Ass : Check out all the remastered videos in High Def at !!

Vince &amp_ Tiny, Shane, and Brock &amp_ Sexxo (er, Sesso) 2K!

Vince &amp_ Tiny, Shane, and Brock &amp_ Sexxo (er, Sesso) 2K!

Jared, and Jared &amp_ Guzzo!  And a ton of other Downloadable videos!  All on! (HD - 2K - 4K)

Jared, and Jared &amp_ Guzzo! And a ton of other Downloadable videos! All on! (HD - 2K - 4K)

Hot Straight Boys getting their asses eaten and cocks sucked! (HD)

Hot Straight Boys getting their asses eaten and cocks sucked! (HD)

What&#039_s New - Bryan, Crash, Chris, Axe, Jebb, Ken, and many, many more!!  14 Straight Guys Fucking, Sucking, all Super Hot Guys!!! (In High Def!)

What&#039_s New - Bryan, Crash, Chris, Axe, Jebb, Ken, and many, many more!! 14 Straight Guys Fucking, Sucking, all Super Hot Guys!!! (In High Def!)

Axe, Jebb, Jackson, Chris, Crash, Ken, Bryan and many more! See what you&#039_ve missed only on ASG!!!

Axe, Jebb, Jackson, Chris, Crash, Ken, Bryan and many more! See what you&#039_ve missed only on ASG!!!

10 Hot Videos - see what you&#039_ve missed on ASG!! , Cameron, Ken, Guzzo, Crash, Chris and much more!!!

10 Hot Videos - see what you&#039_ve missed on ASG!! , Cameron, Ken, Guzzo, Crash, Chris and much more!!!

James &amp_ Jackson, Marc (jr), &amp_ Cameron!  Hot ass eating, assplay, and BJs!! (HD)

James &amp_ Jackson, Marc (jr), &amp_ Cameron! Hot ass eating, assplay, and BJs!! (HD)

Check out these upcoming newly remastered videos!!  4 of your faves : James, Marc, Cameron, &amp_ Jackson!!  (2K)

Check out these upcoming newly remastered videos!! 4 of your faves : James, Marc, Cameron, &amp_ Jackson!! (2K)

Sean and Ashley play! Complete vid free!  Danger : Straight Content _) Check out the Super Crisp 2K Version over on the AmateurStraightGuys Channel here on Xvideos!!!  And swing by too!!!

Sean and Ashley play! Complete vid free! Danger : Straight Content _) Check out the Super Crisp 2K Version over on the AmateurStraightGuys Channel here on Xvideos!!! And swing by too!!!

Lane &amp_ Anna Fuck!  (Warning : Straight Guy doing straight stuff!)  Our guys really are straight!  100% Straight 100% Hot 100% Real - its not just a Tagline, it&#039_s a way of life!!!  The 2K Super Sharp version is over on the JaysStraightGuys Channel

Lane &amp_ Anna Fuck! (Warning : Straight Guy doing straight stuff!) Our guys really are straight! 100% Straight 100% Hot 100% Real - its not just a Tagline, it&#039_s a way of life!!! The 2K Super Sharp version is over on the JaysStraightGuys Channel

John &amp_ Aaron Fuck!  FULL Video Free!  Enjoy! -Jay  PS: The Remastered version in super sharp 2K is available on my Channel if you&#039_re interested!  And Hundreds more!

John &amp_ Aaron Fuck! FULL Video Free! Enjoy! -Jay PS: The Remastered version in super sharp 2K is available on my Channel if you&#039_re interested! And Hundreds more!

This is the Bently &amp_ Ian video Before and After restoration, side by side for comparison.  Take a look, let us know what you think! (2160p Remastered 2022)

This is the Bently &amp_ Ian video Before and After restoration, side by side for comparison. Take a look, let us know what you think! (2160p Remastered 2022)

(Full Vid) Straight boy Cameron fucks Crow!!  This hot boy fucks the last Bi out of Crow&#039_s ass and turns him into a Grateful Bottom Boy!!  Enjoy! -Jay

(Full Vid) Straight boy Cameron fucks Crow!! This hot boy fucks the last Bi out of Crow&#039_s ass and turns him into a Grateful Bottom Boy!! Enjoy! -Jay

Now on Amateur Straight Guys - Download2Own &gt_Forever&lt_ For FREE with Membership - There are over 1,000 Downloadable Videos!!!!!!!!

Now on Amateur Straight Guys - Download2Own &gt_Forever&lt_ For FREE with Membership - There are over 1,000 Downloadable Videos!!!!!!!!

See what you&#039_ve missed on ASG - OVER 1,000 VIDS FREE to Download and Own Forever with Membership - Here&#039_s the 10 Latest remastered Lost Tapes!  Check these boys out!!!

See what you&#039_ve missed on ASG - OVER 1,000 VIDS FREE to Download and Own Forever with Membership - Here&#039_s the 10 Latest remastered Lost Tapes! Check these boys out!!!

Straight Surfer Stud Jared and My Puerto Rican Boy Bryan - Side By Side Comparison : Remastered and Enhanced in 2K/1080p!  (With Original at end) -Jay

Straight Surfer Stud Jared and My Puerto Rican Boy Bryan - Side By Side Comparison : Remastered and Enhanced in 2K/1080p! (With Original at end) -Jay

Cumming Up Later This Year on ASG : Lost Videos - Found, Restored, Enhanced, Enlarged!!!!!  Trevor&#039_s videos are Classics, with Allstars Cypher &amp_ Bryan.  Shot during Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas, they&#039_re fucking HOT!!!!!!  Enjoy! Jay

Cumming Up Later This Year on ASG : Lost Videos - Found, Restored, Enhanced, Enlarged!!!!! Trevor&#039_s videos are Classics, with Allstars Cypher &amp_ Bryan. Shot during Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas, they&#039_re fucking HOT!!!!!! Enjoy! Jay

Coming up on this Summer - More Lost Episodes, upgraded and enhanced in High Def, 2K, and 4K!! Featuring Trevor and the Boys of Vegas - Cypher and Bryan!

Coming up on this Summer - More Lost Episodes, upgraded and enhanced in High Def, 2K, and 4K!! Featuring Trevor and the Boys of Vegas - Cypher and Bryan!

New Videos Here and More Cumming in 2022!!  James, Diesel, Vince, Alex, Jack, Giovanni, and many more!  -Marc

New Videos Here and More Cumming in 2022!! James, Diesel, Vince, Alex, Jack, Giovanni, and many more! -Marc