Sucking my soulpole
Getting wet pt 2
getting wet pt 3
Wet and hard pt 4
We want the full size
*light workout and dancing
Quick is her name
Feet fuck
Getting stronger
Getting thicker
Rowing machine part one
rowing machine pt 2
Catching my breath
Setting up for bench press
Bench press part one
Bench press part four
Benchpress part three
Rowing machine part two
starting the day off with a pull
Me and big boy 357
Another day at the range
Epic camera fail And ab work out test footage
Core work
Smoke and core work
Jumping rope and core work
Weighted set ups
Eating some pie
A little flex
Turning and burning a Field
A space has been transformed
Getting my hair cut
Getting my hair cut
Got my baby back 357 lever action
Hearing my new dab pen
First day back at it after elbow injury
Getting a pump in on arms
Working chest
Working chest
Warm up pt3
Playing a tune I made up
Light workout and dancing
Feeling the music
Dancing and working out
My morning routine
Test footage of a workout
Back and bicep day