Construction dad fills in for boss
Dad doing late night workout before bed
Wearing a jock under my singelet
Trying on new new singlet in XXL
Football practice without uniforms
Coach doing arm curls with pumped nips
Football coach describes new equipment requirement
Football practice with hard cup and butt plug
Post football practice. Coach just relaxing
Two new singelets
Suited up to watch preseason football
Construction dad tak8ng a break, smoking a cigar
Football coach showering after practice
Frustrated mechanic takes a break
Basement window installation guy
Leather dad, solo
Coach giving a few pointers for weight lifting
Stacking logs after cutting tree down
Enjoying a smoke at end of day stacking firewood
Repairing garage door to catch a voyager
Suiting up for Pro football season opening today.
Leather dad's day was rained out, so just chillin with a cigar
Gardener dad moving bushes
Coach after practice enjoying a cigarvand getting off
Officer enjoying his pipe and sunny afternoon
Officer interviews for personal assistant
Officer relaxing and smoking his pipe after interviewing potential personal assistant candidates
Cowboy dad on break and pumping his cock
Cowboy dad pumps cock,and nips sitting on back porch
New orders to do night time ground maneuvers
Construction dad after a long, hot day working
Football guy jerks off in weight room
Newly promoted cop gets called for night patrol
Weight lifting and pumping
Leather guy smoking cigar and sounding
Coach shoots l9ad after practice
Military officer enjoys smoking his pipe and getting off
Football coach showing new equipment
Colonel gets a call from warden about available recruiter
Officer smoking cigar while closing down work day
Mechanic relaxing at end of work day
Garage mechanic at home afterv a long day
Leather guy explaining his inventory to a new sub
Coach retraining football team on uniforms and equipment
Gardener dad moving plants, then takes a break for a smoke
Last unloading of the truck for the day
Construction dad finishing job for the day, but then had a spill
Football coach explains and demonstrates sounding